Diversification in Kathua
Dr. Narinder Paul
diversification implies reallocation of the productive resources of farm such
as land, labour, capital, machinery etc. into new income and employment
generating activities. In context of the existing situation in our state, it
means taking of allied agriculture vocations and even non-agriculture
vocations, value addition, providing services to fellow farmers etc. in
addition to the sowing of popular cereal based crops. To meet the metering
requirement of food, fodder, fuel, fiber etc. agriculture diversification is
need of the hour. It is being advocated that the farmers must adopt the
practice of diversification in agriculture so that their socio-economic status
could be raised to a desirable significant level. It is encouraging that, a number
of farmers have adopted diversified agriculture and hence are reaping its
fruits in Kathua district. Many farmers have come with flying colours and set
up an example by becoming innovators of agriculture diversification.
Sanjay Kumar, a 36 years old young
farmer from village Dadwara of Billawar Tehsil has set a glaring example of an adopter
of crop diversification at his farm. His previous practice was to grow paddy
and maize at his 8 Kanal of farm. Continuous droughts and crop failures had
made his family disappointed and penury ridden. In the year 2005 he understood
the concept of agriculture diversification from the field agriculture extension
functionaries and made his mind to test the same at his farm as he foresaw the
inherent potential in it. He decided to undertake marigold cultivation. In the
year 2006-07, he undertook the cultivation of marigold on 2 Kanal 10 Marla of
land produced 6.5 Quintal flower and earned profit of Rs 11,537 with in 5-6
months. Next year, he expanded the area to 4 Kanal and earned Rs 30,000 as
profit. Now, he grows flowers at half of his farm land and at remaining half he
grows cereals.
Ruldu Ram, a 56 years old farmer from
W. No. 5, Hiranagar has emerged as a successful vegetable grower. He started
vegetable growing in the year 2007 when he understood the concept of
diversification in agriculture. To begin with he grew vegetables on 10 kanal
area of which he earned 1.5 lakhs. His interest grew and now he has more than 16
kanal of his total 120 kanal farm under the vegetable cultivation and is earning
huge margin. Now he has followed trench vegetable cultivation and has got
constructed a poly- house for early nursery raising.
Mohd. Amin from village Durung of
Billawar Tehsil owns 8 Kanal of land and is a 50 year old govt. employee.
Besides, he also undertakes agriculture as his secondary occupation. He got convinced to the concept of
diversified agriculture in the year 2006. He set up a vermin-composting unit at
his farm to adopt organic farming of vegetables. From the compost he produced
vegetables at 4 kanal of his land cereals in the rest of land. In the year
2007, he grew okra in 10 marla of land and earned profit of Rs. 25,500. Now he
is planning to set up poly house to adopt protected vegetable cultivation
especially raising early vegetable
Ajay Bali is yet another 35 years old
shopkeeper from Pathwal village
of Hiranagar Tehsil who
also takes agriculture as a subsidiary vocation. During the year 2009, he got
information about vermicompost from the field functionaries of agriculture
department and decided to set up a vermicomposting unit. He had an abandoned
poultry shed in which he decided to start the composting process. To begin with
he collected the raw material locally and got earthworms with the help of the
department. During the first year, he
produced 6.5 Quintal of vermicompost. Half of which he used to grow vegetables
at his farm and rest he sold to the nursery growers. This year he has expanded
his unit and expecting to get high returns. Besides he says that vegetables
grown with vermicompost are very easily sold and fetches a good price. Moreover
he also suggests creating awareness among the people regarding the organic
farming especially vegetable production.
Ranjeet Singh is a 64 years old farmer
from village Ladwal of Hiranagar Tehsil. He has gained popularization as a
progressive Apiculture farmer (Honey bee keeper) not only in the Tehsil but in
the District as a whole. He got motivated to bee keeping in the year 1997 and
set up an apiary of 10 bee colonies in 1998 from which he produced 50 kg of
honey. In the year 1999, he increased the number of colonies to 20 and produced
2.40 Quintal of honey. With his hard work and dedication, the size of his
apiary as well as yield and profit went on increasing. Later after training, he
started division of his colonies. Now he not only sells honey but also bee
colonies to the aspiring farmers. In the year 2009, he had 97 bee colonies. This
year he sold his produce besides 20 colonies to other farmers and earned Rs.
1.48 Lakhs. He experienced as additional source of income from the vocation of
bee-keeping which gave sustainability to his household. His future plan is to
raise the number of bee-colonies to more than 250 and further strengthen his
apiary unit.
Shakkel Ahmad Bhat, 35 and Pritam
Sharma, 55 years old farmers both from village Malhar and Khushi
Ram a 62 years old farmer from village Macchedi have become innovators in
the District by starting saffron cultivation in the high reaches of Lohi-
Malhar area. This year Department of Agriculture has introduced saffron
cultivation in the hilly areas of the District during Kharif 2010. These
farmers became convinced to introduce the cultivation of saffron at their farms
and initially undertook its cultivation on 2 marla land each. The farmers have
become ecstatic with the encouraging results of the crop. Their crops grew well
and now at flowering stage. Their plan is to now expand its cultivation in the
years to come.
Parkash Chand is a 42 years old progressive
mushroom grower from Kathua . He owns 2 kanal of land inn which he started
mushroom growing in the year 2008. presently he earns 2.5 lakhs from this
enterprise during the season and is interested to set up a spawn production
laboratory to cater too the needs of the mushroom growers o the district.
often the diversification of small farms is considered as a potent means for
rapid transformation of the rural areas. The average size of holding presently
is so low that it can hardly generate adequate employment and income for the
subsistence of the farmers. It is quite a significant development that a large
number of the farmers from the District Kathua have adopted diversification in
agriculture and have become the role models for other farmers. The need is to
further propagate the practical adoption of diversification with a proper
balance of food grains as well as subsidiary vocations to be adopted.
(The author is Agriculture Extension Officer)